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Children and Cleaning: Helpful Tips to Use in Marylebone
Tidy Up.
Published on Thursday, 16 October 2014

Children and Cleaning: Helpful Tips to Use in Marylebone

Best Tips to Make Cleaning with Children Easier

Children and cleaning do not usually mix. Despite your kids being a source of joy and pride they can be an annoyance. They will make mess all over your home in Marylebone, whether it’s leaving toys out, spilling food and drink, leaving dirty clothes around, not tidying their room, and much more. It can be challenging to manage your home cleaning when you have children, whether it’s that they keep you too busy or they make too much mess.

At any age, they will be a problem and needs displace and guidance to help you keep things clean. The unique house cleaning challenges they provide can also be tough to handle, so if you want tips on keeping your home in Marylebone, W1 clean despite the presence of children, then read on.

Children will always be leaving clutter everywhere. Whether it’s an infant throwing toys everywhere to a teenager throwing their shoes and clothes in random places, you can expect objects to be strewn across you abode. You should be ready to combat this early on though because elevating the clutter to build up can lead to their being too much for you to handle. Encourage your children to always put things away and back to where they come from. Having specific areas where things belong, whether its clothes, shoes, TV remotes, toys or whatever, will persuade them to put things back, rather than leaving them anywhere. Reward them from placing things where they go and they will be happy to tidy up their own mess.

Food and drink spills are common with everyone, but it is inevitable with infants. The will likely get more food on themselves and the furniture than they actually eat so you should be prepared for this. Having wet wipes, paper towels and cloths at hand all the time will enable you to tackle any sort of spill immediately. Soak it up with a paper towel first, dab what’s left with a clean a sheet they scrub at it with a cloth. Wet wipes are an important tool to keeping your children clean, so having a large abundance at all times will be invaluable.

Young children will love drawing on things they are not supposed to. Give an infant some pens, crayons, paint, etc and you can almost guarantee that they will have created a picture on anywhere put the paper you provided. If they have doodled on the walls or the floor, you will have to act fast. Dabbing it with a cloth is the first step and you should avoid wiping as this can just spread the stain. Once most of it has been absorbed, you can try wiping in gently with a wet cloth. This should get rid of most but be careful so that it doesn’t damage the surface. Having a spare roll of your wallpapers may be necessary so you can replace any affected area and having carpet cleaners in stock will let you vanquish any stain in your home in the W1.

Getting your children involved with the cleaning can make life much simpler for you. Encouraging your kids to tidy up their own room, polish a bit of their furniture, place clothes in the basket, vacuum their won floors, etc means a lot less work for you and will give you children responsibilities. Promising a bit of money every week for keeping their room clean can be beneficial for everyone involved, so it is something well worth considering. You can assign other chores to them such as cleaning the dishes, emptying the dishwasher, etc, as well to get the same result.

Domestic cleaning and children can mix, so follow these tips to see how your house clean in Marylebone can be improved.


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