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Take a Tour of the Houses of Parliament
Tidy Up.
Published on Friday, 30 October 2015

Take a Tour of the Houses of Parliament

Visit the Houses of Parliament

Visit London's attractions

How interested in politics and law are you? Even if not too much, if you are a fan of history lessons, then you will find one of London’s attractions very fascinating. Have you ever wondered what a tour of the Houses of Parliament would be like? Well, you have the chance to change that every day you spend in London. You can book an audio tour or a guided tour through the Houses of Parliament and witness the magnificence that is the Palace of Westminster and the United Kingdom’s supreme legislative body. Even if you are not interested in the matter of politics, a tour in the Parliament will prove incredibly educational, and despite the topic, you will not feel bored – not while surrounded by the great architecture and glorious art that is incorporated in the Houses of Parliament and their shiny appearance, which will make your excellent home cleaning skill seem insignificant.

The Audio Tours

Available to all UK citizen and visitors from overseas, the audio tour offers you the chance to sit in one of the Seats inside the Houses of Parliament and enjoy a 60 to 70 minute audio tour given by leading Parliamentary figures, and will introduce you to Westminster Hall, the Queen’s Robing Room, Norman Porch, the Royal Gallery, the Lords Chamber, the Prince’s Chamber, the Central Lobby, the No Lobby, the Commons Chamber, the Members’ Lobby, and St Stephen’s Hall.

Take a Tour to The Palace of Westminster

The audio tours are not only in English. For non-native speakers they are available in English, Brazilian Portuguese, Mandarin, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, and German. The deaf and hearing-impaired will not be left out – there is a screen-based version of the tours which they can sit through without missing anything from the tour as it will be provided in British Sign Language. There is even a family version of the tour, offered to families with children aged 7 to 12, available only in English.

take your children with you

The Guided Tours

You can instead spend 90 minutes in the presence of a ‘Blue Badge’ guide, who will introduce you to the thousand year history of the Parliament, the modern day politics, and will show you through all of the aforementioned places in the audio tours. This tour is also offered in multiple languages, so do not feel intimidated by the British speech if you are not a native. You can ask all the questions you have about the Houses, the Palace, the politics, and anything else you can think of about the British legislative system.

the tour in London

Afternoon Tea

And when the tours are complete, you are invited to book a table in the Terrace Pavilion where you can take in the light and airy environment of the Terrace in the House of Commons. This room will give you an excellent view over the River Thames while you are offered to sip some of the finest and luxurious British teas or fresh coffee, along with traditional sweets that will make your mouth water for days. There is something for everybody in the menu, as you can order gluten-free delicacies as well. So enjoy a big rest in the Terrace Pavilion after flooding your mind with the knowledge of the tours for the complete experience.

A walk to the House of Commons

Visit the Houses of Parliament and get educated with the United Kingdom’s legislative system and everything concerning it. Don’t forget to book in advance, and remember that bookings can be cancelled due to Parliament meetings, but once you get there you will not be disappointed – from the gorgeous view of the houses, to the full history that comes with them. Sounds better than sitting home house cleaning, right?


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