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Figuring Out Father's Day for Your Old Man
Tidy Up.
Published on Tuesday, 07 June 2016

Figuring Out Father's Day for Your Old Man

Ideas to Make Father's Day Special

celebrating Father's Day

Father’s Day is quickly approaching and you need to do something about it. Your dad is unaware, but you are probably scheming a nice surprise for him right now. This is a day where you should not focus on simple everyday things like home cleaning – you should be spending that day with the old man. Make him feel special, because he is, but how many times has he felt like it? Between working to get you through school and college and keep you clothed and fed, the man barely had a chance to do anything else other than see that Liverpool match on the odd weekend. Make sure to honour thy father this year. Father’s Day is not a public holiday, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make it special. Leave the house cleaning to the cleaning company and get planning.

Here are some ideas you can use to make the day great:

share memories

A Trip Down Memory Lane
When’s the last time you had a conversation with your father about life? Sit down and talk to him, share stories, share memories. The parent is a figure that will always welcome a good conversation with his or her child. Your father will gladly listen about your life and even provide needed or unneeded advice. The point is to see how far you’re gotten thanks to him and how much both of you have grown. Make this day one that reflects on his life and makes him feel special.

go to a pub

A Trip Down Pub Lane
Or you can do the above in the best pub in the town or city you reside in. Go out and check all the pubs, or discover what your dad’s favourite pub is. Take him out on Father’s day and take him to a wonderful pub where you can still talk, but surrounded by the environment dads most like – lager and a TV screen with lots of shouting football fans, now those are boredom cleaners! Just because you are spending time together doesn’t mean he cannot enjoy a tad of everything.

Father's Day present

A Trip Down Present Lane
While not exactly typical for this particular day, you can still make a present for your father. Ask yourself (or your mum): What does he like? Where can you get that? How fast can you get that? And what size? And don’t be mild by bringing him a sweater – he already has somebody to provide that. Bring him something he likes. How about a bottle of his favourite liquor? Or a souvenir from his favourite city? How about memorabilia from an old football – or whatever sport he watches – match? Make the right choice and provide to see that father smile your family adores.

jazz concert

A Trip Down Music Lane
How does your dad feel about music? Well, it’s time you saw what concerts will be on near you and plan a night out with the old man. Take him to see his favourite type of music. And don’t take him to see YOUR favourite genre. This is not about you, it’s about him. Have him enjoy his night out with a spectacular jazz concert, or a piano symphony. The options are numerous; you simply have to find the right one.

Father’s Day should be special day. Not for you, but for your dad. Leave yourself and everybody else as a piece of the background and provide your dad with the best day he could wish for. Make sure he knows you – and the whole family – love him so much and that you are grateful for everything he did for you. And then you can go back to your domestic cleaning.


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