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How to Keep Your House Clean Easily
Tidy Up.
Published on Wednesday, 30 November 2016

How to Keep Your House Clean Easily

Handy Tips for Your House Cleaning Schedule

home cleaning

Families can work together efficiently to make sure they always have a home clean and tidy whenever anyone visits. Even young children can help to take care of the property. Taking on board just a few sensible maintenance tips can make all the difference to your home environment. Getting each family member to take part in the domestic cleaning regime will reduce the amount of responsibility that parents have for home maintenance and significantly slash the hours they have to dedicate to getting rid of household mess and dirt. The time freed up in this manner can be spent enriching family life.

1.    The first habit that every family member should form is to clear up any mess promptly. Don’t just walk away from clutter, put it straight immediately. Clean up as you go and you will save time. Organisation and cleanliness are good habits to instil into your children. Set the perfect example by performing kitchen cleaning tasks as you cook.

clean messes
2.    Wash dishes, pots, pans and utensils as soon as you have finished with them. Don’t allow dirty plates, bowls and kitchen equipment to pile up and leave a daunting stack of washing up to tackle after you have eaten. Unpleasant odours and germs can come from dirty dishes and they can also attract flies.

wash dishes
3.    Try to break down domestic maintenance tasks into small, simple steps. The prospect of spring cleaning your home from top to bottom in one go can be most off-putting. By doing little things on a regular basis you can keep your house in order in less time and with less hassle. Start with the two most important rooms in any house – the kitchen and the bathroom. Hygiene is essential in both of these areas. Make sure you use the correct cleaners and disinfectants on all surfaces. Once these rooms are clean, it is quick and easy to clean them as you go so that they never get messy again.

house cleaning tasks
4.    Set aside fifteen or twenty minutes a day to perform a different maintenance task. When the bathroom and kitchen have been sanitized you can work through the rest of the house cleaning on a room-by-room basis. You can achieve a lot of clearing-up and tidying of your lounge, den or sitting room during the commercial breaks in your favourite TV shows or at half-time in the big football match.

domestic cleaners
5.    Abide by a few simple rules to keep a house clean. Make a point of never going to bed leaving the kitchen in a mess. Keep the sink empty and sanitised. Wipe it down with a sanitiser and rinse and dry it before going to sleep. Use kitchen cleaners on worktops, stoves and chopping boards. Get rid of any sticky, greasy or burnt-in food spills rapidly. Wipe or mop the floor. Spend a couple of minutes sweeping up any food particles and dust. Make sure that each family member realises that they are responsible for disposing of their own messes as soon as they occur. Your home will be clean in next to no time.

wipe as you go
Daily life can create a lot of mess. Dust is inevitable too. Splashes and spills often occur when you eat. More dirt will be brought into the house on shoes. This is one reason why it is advisable to wipe the dust and clean the dirt regularly and keep your home clean. It can take some efforts before your home is finally sanitised, but once you do that, you will have to spend less effort for house cleaning in future.


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