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5 Clever Ways to Eliminate Kitchen Odours
Tidy Up.
Published on Thursday, 29 October 2015

5 Clever Ways to Eliminate Kitchen Odours

Instant Cures for Every Kitchen Odour

removing Odours

Cooking is a great time consumer that results in tasty meals if you are good at it, and prospecting the room for improvement if not so much. But apart from feeding you without having to rely on an expensive restaurant or an artery-clogging fast food joint, it also creates a big variety of odours that run wild through the whole house. The big question is: How do you deal with all the odours without the need for thorough home cleaning? There are a few proven ways you can do this, and you should try them out to see how cooking will no longer be a memory that lasts for days, and long after the food is actually gone.

1.    Cooking fumes

This one is easy. Take a pan, add some white vinegar and water and boil the concoction. The vapours that will come from the boiling vinegar will tackle all the odours on a chemical level as vinegar has acidic properties, and smells do tend to be on the alkaline persuasion. The two of them will neutralise each other and voila! No more cooking smells, so you won’t have to smell the fried fish or pot roast another week.

vapours coming from the boiling vinegar

2.    The sink

The sink can become quite stinky if left untreated. The food scraps and leftovers, the soap scum from washing your hands, the dish washing detergent that you clean the plates with, they all leave certain traces behind and if the sink is not frequently cleaned after using, it becomes an empty pond of germs that eventually start reeking. Maintenance is easy, though, even after the smells appear. Treat the sink with half a cup of baking soda and run the water, rinsing the basin with it. You can even cut a lemon in half and scrub the sink with it, and even leave it over the drain hole to have a refreshed fragrance instead.

sanitise the sink

3.    The rubbish

Just because the rubbish is in the bin it does not mean it doesn’t stink. Depending on what you cooked, the mixture of ingredient leftovers you threw away can create a worse smell than a failed experiment during your cooking. When that happens, take out the trash, take an old sponge, clean the inside of the bin thoroughly, taking any remaining bits, rub the insides with wet wipes to erase the remains of the odour with a new fragrance, and then add the rubbish bag.

remove rubbish

4.    The appliances

The microwave oven, the oven, the toaster, the dishwasher, and the rest of the appliances in the kitchen need to be cleaned after every cooking event. They need maintenance or else they will always smell like your last cooking attempt, and if the smells are accumulated, the smell will turn into a lingering odour. Thus, exercise oven cleaning as often as you can, give your dishwasher a wipe every now and then, clean your toaster after every use, and boil some soap in the microwave oven once in a few weeks.

clean your appliances

5.    Odour sources

You can ultimately just take care of the odour sources before they begin posing problems. Salt, baking soda, and vinegar are great organic odour-killers and whenever you are dubious about a smell staying, or about something becoming a source of a certain odour, simply pre-emptively sprinkle and rub some of the aforementioned products over it, and no smell will appear, and if there already is a smell, it will disappear. And you don’t even have to use products containing a lot of chemicals.

detect odour sources

Fight the odours in your kitchen so that you don’t have to tolerate them too much. You don’t have to engage in full-on house cleaning whenever one appears, simply stick to one of these methods and it will be odour-free for as long as you are willing to maintain it thus.


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