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How Does Mould Affect Your Health?
Tidy Up.
Published on Monday, 24 August 2015

How Does Mould Affect Your Health?

Mould and Your Health

bathroom cleaning

Having the perfect environment in your home is not easy to achieve, but it is necessary for your comfort and wellbeing. After all, feeling at home means to feel safe and be in a place where you can rest without any worries at all. Unfortunately, a common problem that you have to deal with sometimes presents itself in the form of mould.

Mould can be the cause of certain health problems. For one, it can lead to certain respiratory problems and irritations, which is very unpleasant. Allergies and asthma are also possible, not to mention eye and skin irritation. These are issues that should never be overlooked.


Certain people and groups are more vulnerable to mould. These include babies and children, elderly people and those with weakened immune system. Additionally, people with already present respiratory problems (asthma, allergies) and those with skin problems should most definitely be very careful around mould.

The way mould affects human health is through producing allergens and irritants. These are substances that lead to allergic reactions in the human body. Any contact, such as inhaling or touching mould spores, may lead to an allergic reaction, such as red eyes, skin irritation and runny nose. It is good to know that some of the substances produced by mould are in fact toxic, which is what makes it such a big issue. Often times you have to call in professionals, who can perform professional cleaning of rooms that have developed mould problems.

cleaning mould

The most common cause of mould is excess moisture. There are many things that may lead to increased moisture. Most commonly it is caused by leaking pipes, damp in basements and rainwater seeping in through flaws in the ceiling and window frames. Condensation may also cause excess moisture indoors. It occurs when the air in your rooms cannot hold more moisture. This is due to everyday activities, such as showering, cooking and drying clothes. Poor ventilation often leads to quick condensation. If you notice such flaws in your home, it is imperative that you look into them and do the necessary repairs. Otherwise there is risk of mould and the need to hire specialised cleaning services to deal with it.

What you need to consider is that there are a few natural solutions to deal with mould. Here are some of them that may allow you to deal with the problem through safe methods:

tea tree oil

-    Tea tree oil - this is an all-natural fungicide, which can be used to effectively combat mould and mildew. Simply add ten drops in a spray bottle and fill it with water. Spray it on hard surfaces with mould and let it sit for several minutes. Finish with some scrubbing action and inspect to see if there is still mould and mildew. If there is, repeat again. The goal is to perform this cleaning activity until all of the mould and mildew is killed and further growth prevented.

rubbing alcohol

-    Distilled ethanol - liquids that are fermented are an alternative to tea tree oil. Even less filtered spirits can be effectively used to combat mould, since they have fungus killing properties.

-    Vinegar - apart from being useful in a large number of home cleaning tasks, vinegar can also be used to remove mildew and mould. Mix it with water in a bottle and spray it onto the problem area. Wait few minutes and then wipe; it’s as simple as that.

green cleaning

Remember that the easiest way to deal with mould is to keep an eye out and treat the problem early. Try to be preventive about it by looking into fixing the causes of excess moisture in your home. Utilise the aforementioned solutions to effectively deal with the issue.


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