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End of Tenancy Cleaning Tips To Use In Balham
Tidy Up.
Published on Thursday, 10 October 2013

End of Tenancy Cleaning Tips To Use In Balham

Top Tips for All-important End of Tenancy Cleaning

When you are moving out, it is almost always stipulated in a contract that you must leave the place as you found it. Unfortunately in some cases, this does not mean that you can leave the place in Balham dusty and moldy as you may have found it, but instead you have to clean the place from top to bottom in order to ensure that it is a wonderful arrival for the new tenant. This will almost always mean a fair old job, as no matter how on top of things you may be, the reality is that you will be left with lots of dust and dirt from things that have not been moved once everything has been shifted to the new place, or in to storage. There are a few things that you should give some thought to however, in order to make the process easier for yourself, and to avoid any unnecessary cleaning or work, so let’s have a look at the various aspects to consider when moving out of your property.

If you are renting, then have a look at the tenancy agreement. It may stipulate that you get the place in Balham, SW12 professionally cleaned, in which case you probably should, as you would be in breach of contract otherwise. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that the landlord will likely take some of your deposit if they deem the place to be anything but spotless, and it can be difficult to get the place to this standard on your own, so why waste your time if you are going to lose the money anyway? If you clean regularly and the place is not in a problematic state, then you will likely only need to take a couple of hours to vacuum and sort various little bits out that have not been attended to for a while, which you can usually get a regular cleaner to help out with for not that much money at all. If you have neglected the place a little, then you may need longer and this is where the balance between doing the job yourself or paying quite a lot to have the place cleaned comes in. Are you really going to be able to do it all to a decent standard? If not, then it’s probably not worth the effort! Perhaps try and get the worst sorted before getting in a professional to finish the job off, and hope that the time you have spent will save them an hour or so, and ultimately reduce the costs.

You should check with the landlord themselves as well, as they may have designs on the property in the SW12. There is little point in doing a great job of cleaning the place if they are only going to rip up the carpet, or paint the walls and get the place messy again. Asking in advance may save you a whole load of hassle and money, so make sure you do so!

If you have no option but to clean the place yourself, then make sure that you plan it out well so that you are not cut short of the end of the lease with a messy place in Balham. Delegate jobs to various housemates, and ensure that you start early so that there is a steady flow of cleaning going on and it never feels overwhelming. If you approach it pragmatically, you should never have a problem, good luck!


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