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Branded Cleaners and Natural Alternatives - Knowing your Products Can Save you Money in Kensington
Tidy Up.
Published on Thursday, 29 August 2013

Branded Cleaners and Natural Alternatives - Knowing your Products Can Save you Money in Kensington

Affordable Eco-friendly Cleaning Brands

There is a wide variety of cleaning products available to use these days, and due to the sheer number, it can often be hard to know which ones are best, and how they differ from each other. Are there any real advantages to choosing an expensive kitchen cleaner for your home in Kensington over the cheaper variety, for example, and are these products really any more effective than natural alternatives?


One thing to be aware of is that often you are paying increased prices for a brand name. This is often the reason that a well known and advertised brand of kitchen cleaner, for example, will be a lot more expensive than a supermarket's own brand or lesser-known ones. If you are not sure if you are really getting a better product in Kensington, W8, then simply compare a well-known brand with a supermarket's budget version, and have a look at the ingredients. Most of the time, they will essentially be the same.

Bleach is a good example. You will often find that major brands of bleach will be much more expensive than an unknown or budget version, but they are exactly the same essentially. Branded bleach might have some additional perfume or aromatics in it to make it smell nicer, but this makes it no more effective than a cheaper variety. Therefore, it’s often worth thinking carefully about whether you really need to spend the extra money on a branded variety of cleaner.

Natural alternatives

When it comes down to it, a lot of the chemical ingredients found in today’s cleaning products are often derived from natural sources. Sometimes, by going back to the source as it were, you can find very cheap and natural alternatives to expensive cleaning products.

White vinegar and lemon juice, for example, are actually very good at cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and so on because of their natural acidity. Most cleaners will essentially emulate this process, so once again, it can be worth considering whether you really want to pay extra for a brand or not.

Some things we find in our cupboards at hone also have powerful cleaning qualities, so it can always be useful to have some of these on hand as they will serve as a great back up cleaners should you run out of your other cleaning products. You might even prefer using these items to clean with in the end, as they are much more cost-effective and will give you almost identical results, if not better in some cases.

Cheap alternative essentials

If you keep well stocked with the following items, you should be able to deal with almost all cleaning requirements at a severely reduced cost when compared to using products. You will need products you can find in any local supermarket - some white vinegar, baking soda, salt, lemon juice (optional, as the vinegar does a similar job), and possibly lavender. With a combination of the baking soda and vinegar, you can tackle stains, clean surfaces, unblock sinks, and so on. Salt is useful for removing stains, and having some lemon juice or lavender on hand can make everything smell a bit nicer if you’re not keen on vinegar - They also have good antibacterial qualities too.

That said, you may also want to keep some bleach on hand in your home in Kensington, and some detergent can be great when it comes to shifting stains that refuse to go, or for enhancing the power of your natural products a bit if needed.


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