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Spruce Up Your Home with These Handy Dusting Tricks
Tidy Up.
Published on Monday, 03 October 2016

Spruce Up Your Home with These Handy Dusting Tricks

Simple Tricks to Speed Up the Dusting Process and Keep the Grime Away

dusting techniques

Fighting the dust often feels like a lost battle, because no matter how often or hard you wipe your home it just keeps coming back. It can basically enter your house from anywhere - the windows, the carpet and even your vacuum cleaner. Unfortunately there is really no magic solution to this problem. The only way to deal with dust is by cleaning your place frequently. You can, though, make things a little easier with these simple tricks that will speed up the dusting process and will keep the grime away for longer.

dusting light fixtures
Ceiling fans and light fixtures

Unless you have really high ceilings, you can use a bendable duster to clean the ceiling fans and light fixtures. Removing dust from lamp shades seems almost impossible. Not with a lint roller. Surprisingly, this tool works wonders and makes the chore simple and easy. A foam brush comes in handy when cleaning the dust from teeny tiny places.

cleaning with coffee filters
Use coffee filters for your car’s interior

Coffee filter are cheap, but extremely effective when it comes to cleaning the dust, lint and stains in your car. For a simple clean up, you can use just the filter. If you want to give the surface a little shine while dusting you can add a couple of drops of vegetable oil. What is great about coffee filters is that they won’t fall apart like paper towels, but are abrasive enough to give the area a good clean.

bathroom vent cleaning
Bathroom vents

Bathroom vents get really dusty, especially if they run for a long time without cleaning them. Lucky for you these tools don’t require any special maintenance. Simply suck up the dirt and grime with your vacuum cleaner by using the brush attachment.

house cleaning
Corners, mouldings and door frames

These often neglected parts of your home are like magnets for spider webs and dust. The laziest way to tackle these areas is by using the classic sock trick. Flip an old sock inside out and put it over the end of a mop pole. Voila! You have a great high-duster! Actually there are plenty of ways in which you can utilize an orphaned sock. Simply put it on your hand like a glove and go over the dusty surface.

dusting electronics
Computer screens and LCD monitors

Dryer sheets will make your TV or computer screen sparkling clean. Be sure you are working with a used one or you will end up with a monitor covered in fabric softener. If there are fingertips on the surface, grab a microfiber cloth and a computer specific cleaning product and wipe them down. Bonus tip: a small hand-held vacuum cleaner or a can of compressed air will help you get rid of the dust on your keyboard.

house cleaners
Delicate and small items

Small ornaments, antique pieces, and other similar items around the house are tedious and hard to clean. You can do the detailed dusting with a lightly misted small paintbrush or toothbrush.

furniture cleaning
Dust in the right direction

Like snow, dust falls from the top to the bottom. That is why you should start from the highest place and work your way down. Otherwise, you may need to dust again. Use a spiral clockwise motion to tackle the dirt.

no shoes policy
Take preventive measures

Much of the dust in your place comes from the outside. Trap the dirt before it enters your home by using a doormat and making your house a no-shoe area. This way you will have less to dust and sufficiently cut the house cleaning time.

cleaning air ducts
Clean your ducts regularly

Ducts are can contribute considerably to the dust and allergens in your home. Try to clean these regularly. A good rule of thumb is every 3-5 years. You can do it yourself, but hiring a professional cleaning company might be the most effective option. These cleaners have the tools and knowledge necessary to thoroughly clean the dirty ducts without leaving any residue.

With these clever tricks, you will banish the dust from your home once and for all!


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