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Discover the Hidden Secrets of London!
Tidy Up.
Published on Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Discover the Hidden Secrets of London!

Secret Spots You Have To See in London


Are you getting away from it all sometime soon in London? Have you got your cleaning done around the house, done all those nagging chores? Then you’re probably ready (and well deserving!) of a rest! This guide will help you to find some of London’s best kept secrets so you can take in this wonderful city with perhaps a little less of the bustle it’s well known for. Find yourself moments to treasure, and memories to really hold on to for the rest of your life. After all, if you’ve been juggling your work, house cleaning and social obligations for a long time; it’s understandable that you’ll need a place to remove yourself from all that for a while!

Wilton’s Music Hall
This breathtaking bar and venue has played host to all sorts of eclectic performances over the years. Dripping with history and authentic style, this Victorian music hall is a treat for all of the senses – from its amazing mahogany bar to the artists who play or speak there. What’s best about it, of course, is that it’s still one of London’s hidden gems. You can enjoy a great visit without having to worry about big crowds!


Kenwood House
For a deeper slice of history and intrigue, why not try the absolutely stunning architecture of Kenwood House, found right near the border of Hampstead Heath. Filled with heritage, there’s something within for everyone from authentic pieces of art (from such names as Rembrandt!) to the beautiful gardens that the house is known for. Never heaving with too much activity, you’re sure to have a really great day out if your thing is quiet reflection. You’ll be literally breathing in the air of another time, and you’re sure to see something to really fall in love with.


The Savoy Museum
Found within the region of The Savoy Hotel, what’s best about this quirky little avenue of London is that it’s free! But that doesn’t mean it’s of any less quality, as it’s sure to delight any visitor with one of its many obscure but intriguing artefacts. Not only does it display historic alcohol from the hotel’s bars, and some truly interesting old photographs, but it’s probably most interesting for its exhibitions on past famous guests. With such items as cards and letters, these can give you a really unique insight into the minds of some of the world’s most fascinating people!

St. Mary’s Secret Garden
Even its name instantly makes you feel like this little patch of Hackney has shot up from the ground just for you. Having been established for over 25 years, however, it’s been blossoming for a long time! It’s been serving as a really helpful community pillar, and those involved have left something that has to be seen to be believed. Encapsulating to the general visitor, it’s also therapeutic for many local residents and is also lauded for its educational value and pursuits. You won’t believe its hiding amongst the urban underbrush in Hackney, so make sure you see it for yourself!


The Chislehurst Caves
If you’re really looking to get away from housework like cleaning, nothing can transport you to another place entirely like a catacomb of hidden caves beneath Chislehurst. They’d be enthralling without their history and famous ties, but the incredible ambience you’ll find down there is rich with stories and connections to interesting people. It has housed many surprising concerts since the 60s, with one of its more famous performers being David Bowie! Before that though, it acted as a bomb shelter throughout the Second World War where it provided safe haven for many local residents.


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