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Conquer Your Daily Chores without Stress
Tidy Up.
Published on Tuesday, 08 December 2015

Conquer Your Daily Chores without Stress

Genius Ways to Make Chores More Fun

daily chores

Daily chores can have quite the effect on your stress levels, especially if they are many and you are doing everything by yourself. Things about the house can go hectic pretty easy if a lot of mess is made and there is nobody else to help you with the house cleaning. But, as they say, when there is a will, there is a way, and there is definitely a way to clean the house without any stress. You might not have thought of it, but relying on simple things to ease up your daily routines is actually a possibility. There is so much you can do, and all you need to do is change the little things to get the big picture better.

• Cleaning schedules
This concept might be alien to you, but a cleaning schedule will put an order in your home cleaning routine. At first it might be bothersome to keep with it, but as time goes by, you will see how keeping the home clean becomes an organised habit rather than something you have to force yourself to do.

cleaning schedule

• Don’t do it alone
If you don’t live alone, then you should not clean the home alone. Everybody who makes a mess has to take part in clearing it, so if you have a family, put them to work as well. Yes, even the kids. Chores are something that they should learn at a young age. That cleaning schedule will be perfect if everybody had a part in it and everybody had their own chores to take care of, thus relieving you of some.

share chores

• No mercy for clutter
Be ruthless when house cleaning. If you stumble upon an item that you have no use for, that item has to meet the rubbish bin. You don’t want any extra clutter thrown about as it can be: a) dangerous, b) messy, c) annoying. Also, by taking care of the clutter you are making more space about the home and that is never a bad thing.


• Better cleaning products
Unless you are the eco-friendly type that wants to make their own cleaning products, you should invest in some of the cleaners that do real work. Save money and buy something expensive, but something that is sure to make a difference. Imagine how easier carpet cleaning can be with the right cleaner, and imagine the quality of carpet you get afterwards.

domestic cleaning

• Disposable cutlery and utensils
Paper plates, plastic forks and spoons, and plastic cups can go a long way in making your life easier. It is a bit of a lazy way to deal with your problems, but it is the best way if you have washing the dishes and there is nobody else to take care of it. Use a plate, throw it away. That does mean more rubbish to take care of, but it does take less effort.

disposable cutlery

• Take off the shoes
Eastern countries have the custom of taking off their shoes once they come in. You might want to endeavour in this habit as that will cut back the need for carpet cleaning and even regular vacuuming for a while, and there will be less bacteria being dragged in from outside.

no shoes policy

If you utilise these ideas, you will find that house cleaning can be much simpler and the word ‘stress’ won’t have to enter your vocabulary when it comes to it. There are many ways to cut down the stress in your everyday life, but the best one is to simply stop worrying over the little things. Make a cleaning routine that you like and follow it until it becomes a habit that you mindlessly go through. Life is so much simpler that way.


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