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6 Kitchen Items You're Probably Cleaning Wrong
Tidy Up.
Published on Friday, 10 June 2016

6 Kitchen Items You're Probably Cleaning Wrong

Common Kitchen-cleaning Mistakes You are Probably Doing

kitchen cleaning

Sometimes you are only fooling yourself that you are doing proper kitchen cleaning. Many appliances and items there are very tricky when trying to keep them clean and need special attention just to make sure you did your job right. It may elude you that something is left untouched or not properly handled just because the simple action of the cleaning and rinsing is done. It’s not you; it’s them, of course, as they are the ones that need that special care. But if you want to do better with your kitchen cleaning, then here are the things you are probably mishandling.

#1 – Glassware
Depending on what you use your glasses for, sometimes they may be oily or greasy on the inside. Even if you use a dishwasher, sometimes that is simply not enough. And not to mention that older glass types are not made for dish washers and should only be hand-washed. Take the cleaning into your own two hands and do it right.

washing glasses

#2 – Cutlery
Again, the dishwasher may be the problem. When you place spoons and forks in the dishwasher, sometimes they nest against each other and the parts that are leaning against each other are not properly cleaned. Either spread the utensils in the dishwasher instead of organising them, or clean them by hand. It is generally a better idea to do both and see which one gets the best results, then stick to it.


#3 – Your Pan
This is not so much about the cleaning as it is about the handling of the thing. When you clean the pan, you should never let it air dry. Always use a towel and make sure the pan is dry and immediately put it back in its place. If you let it air dry you risk a rust assault because not all pans are protected against water, especially the older ones.

cleaning your pan

#4 – Stainless Steel
Many people prefer the easy approach to stainless steel – that is, using an all-purpose home cleaner. While in many cases it makes no difference, sometimes it leaves the same marks and streaks you are trying to get rid of. It is a much better option to use cleaners made specifically for stainless steel. They will be easy to use and enough to deal with just about any appliance in your kitchen.

stainless steel cleaning

#5 – Your Cutting Board
Using dish soap sounds simple enough, but sometimes it’s just not enough. When you cut vegetables or meat, sometimes the juices (or blood, if it’s fresh meat) soak into the cutting board’s wood and leaves marks. Those marks allow cross-contamination and may affect the next thing you cut on the board. Either dip it in bleach and then use it all over again, or find some cleaning company-approved method.

clean your cutting board

#6 – Your Coffee Machine
Whenever you are washing your coffee machine, you are using water, right? Do you use anything else? Well, that is your mistake. Just rinsing with water is hardly a good idea as it is rarely enough. Use dish soap and water and clean the machine as you would clean your plates and bowls. It’s no different and it requires the same amount of care.

coffee machine

With this list you can be much more careful when doing house cleaning. Sticking to the right methods will be much beneficial to all your kitchen appliances, cutlery and utensils. Learning how to clean them properly will mean a much healthier place to cook and a much healthier way to eat. Focus on what is missing in your own cleaning routine and do damage control to fix it.


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