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5 Things Your Domestic Cleaners Need to Know
Tidy Up.
Published on Thursday, 26 May 2016

5 Things Your Domestic Cleaners Need to Know

What Can I Expect from a Domestic Cleaner?

domestic cleaners

Tedium and laziness do get to us every now and then. When we are faced with a hard task like spring cleaning, we both of those things assault us and we seek ways to avoid doing it, or to procrastinate. And when we are struck with this, we tend to call cleaning companies for help, or to complete replace us in the chores we do not wish to do. But the cleaning services cannot handle everything – sometimes they need a bit more information. Every now and then unsatisfied customers complain about their companies because of something they did or didn’t do, while it was their fault for not communicating. When you hire domestic cleaners, you need to speak to them and explain your needs. You cannot expect for them to enter the home and immediately start working on your needs without actually knowing what you want. Here are some things you need to communicate with your dedicated cleaners:

#1 – Do you want green house cleaning?
Some companies use eco-friendly cleaning methods by default, others don’t. In case you hired the latter and you want green cleaning, then you have to specifically tell them that. Professional companies have one goal – getting the home clean. And as a business, they will do it quick for more profit. So to avoid having them take the shortcut, you need to tell them exactly what you want from their services. If you want an eco-friendly clean, it is up to you to state that.

eco-friendly cleaning

#2 – Specify the steam cleaning
In case you didn’t know, there are two types of steam cleaning – there’s the standard steam cleaning and the dry steam cleaning. By default, companies do the former. But if your home has problem with humidity, you should probably use the latter. Dry steam cleaning is used to the same effect, but without the moisture that the standard one generates. It’s called ‘dry’ for a reason.

steam cleaning

#3 – Do you want the electrical appliances cleaned?
By default, the house cleaners don’t have to do any appliances, only surfaces. So if you want a good oven cleaning or microwave oven scrubbing, then do share that information with your cleaners. They will do it gladly (it’s all in a day’s work), but they have to specifically know whether to do it. Otherwise you will come home to a clean house one day and you won’t be able to celebrate it with a nice microwave dinner because your microwave oven will look like a dump.

kitchen cleaning

#4 – Specify if you want ironing services
Some cleaning companies provide ironing services along with everything else. When the maid comes, you can ask about it and then inform that you do wish your clothes ironed. If you hired a maid only for the laundry, that is exactly what the maid will do. If you want further help and ironed clothes, then do elaborate when the maid arrives or you will only get what you asked for.

ironing clothes

#5 – Instruct about the cleaning supplies
Maybe the cleaning company uses cleaning agents which you do not want used in your house – either because of allergies or ecological reasons. In that case, do inform your home cleaners about that and they will make sure to keep away from those agents and use only what you want used. Even better if you make a list with the supplies you want or don’t want used in your home.

house cleaning supplies

Communication will be the key to a successful domestic cleaning service. If the house cleaners know what they are supposed to do, they will do it better. Think of it as a computer programme – the more parameters it has, the better it will function. So provide your help with all the information they need to achieve 100% customer satisfaction and you will find yourself 100% satisfied.


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