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Tidy Up.

Give Your House In Putney A Quick And Super Efficient House Clean

Posted on 13/03/2015

Efficient House Cleaning

There’s nothing worse than having a dirty and messy house. Not only are you doing yourself a disservice by not taking care of everything within your own four walls in Putney, but imagine what others think when they come around for a visit and have to put up with the sorry state of an unkempt home? Surely the embarrassment alone should be enough to spur you into action and make you want to get your house clean? If this sounds like something you’re experiencing, spare yourself the embarrassment and get the situation rectified. Cleaning doesn’t have to be tough, time consuming or challenging if you know what you’re doing. Even if you haven’t attempted home cleaning in the past  or feel the need to keep palming the job off to your local cleaning agency, there’re still plenty of things that you could do in order to make the situation easier and more manageable. So here are a few foolproof tips to get your house cleaning off and running to the best possible start.

1.    Take heed of the problem areas and tackle these first.
Make a list of those areas in your house in Putney, SW15 that are in need of the most attention and get to work on them first.

2.    Prepare and get yourself the right equipment and cleaners for the job at hand.
When preparing to clean your house, it’s well worth spending a little bit of money and investing in a few top quality cleaning products that will make the process a whole lot easier. Things like mops, sponges, microfiber cloths, bleach, antibacterial sprays etc. are a must when getting ready for a big clean, and are all relatively cheap to purchase if you know where to go, so do your research and get yourself down to your local store.

3.    Be willing to do some hard scrubbing!
Bathroom and kitchen cleaning are the toughest jobs in your whole house in the SW15 region, so allow yourself a little bit of extra time in order to complete these areas efficiently and give them a deep clean. A simple soapy water solution should suffice for your bathroom walls and the shower and tap heads. Give these a good scrub down, then turn on your shower for a few minutes on its maximum temperature, shut the door and let some steam build up, which should enable you to wipe off the suds and get rid of any extra dirt with ease. For those areas that have a lot of stains and marks, use a mild bleach, which you should put on a coarse brush and use to scrub hard at the affected area. Leave for an hour or so, then scrub again and rinse off using your shower. When tackling the kitchen, it’s best to use everyday household products if you can, rather than bleaches and strong detergents. A baking soda and water solution is fantastic for eliminating stains and odours from the inside of ovens and microwaves. Spread this solution over every surface, leave for a few hours, then spray some vinegar over the solution before rinsing off.

4.    Hard floor cleaning can be quick and easy if you know what you’re doing.
Dampen your mop (dampen, don’t soak!) with some warm water and mop all your hard flooring. If dust is a problem, consider treating your mop with a dusting agent for some outstanding results.

5.    Call up the experts.
Get in touch with your local cleaning company in Putney if you feel like you could do with some extra help, and let their team of professional cleaners do all the work so that you don’t have to.

Richard Carey
Richard Carey

A fervent advocate for Eco-friendly cleaning, Richard is a seasoned cleaning expert with years of experience. He has been instrumental in assisting numerous homeowners and business owners in maintaining hygienic and fresh-smelling properties.