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5 Things You Can Do Every Month to Keep Your Home Clean

Posted on 17/06/2016

Things to Do Monthly to Keep Your House Clean

house clean

Domestic cleaning is a much more subtle process than you may think. You might presume that you do it once and force-clean your home to have a sudden shine, then wait till it gets as dirty and repeat the process, again and again. But there is actually a trick to everything and the smarter home cleaners know that while cleaning you also make an effort to protect the home from more dirt accumulation. This way you extend the period during which you have to clean and you can use your free time for something else. And there are methods you can use to postpone the need for more frequent cleaning spells. Here are some of them:

cleaning company

#1 – Regular Use of Cleaning Services

This is the most obvious one, so let’s get it out of the way. If you can afford it, simply get a maid to come over to your home and do frequent cleanings every week, every two weeks, or every month. A cleaning company will make your life that much easier when you don’t even have to work for your home’s cleanliness. Save money and get a cleaner over every once in a while to help you have more free time and a cleaner home.

dealing with clothes

#2 – Put Your Clothes Away

Messy homes often come from bad handling of the laundry and clothes. People like to randomly throw clothes after coming home from work or workout, or to dump them in the laundry basket and forget about them till they have nothing else to wear. Those clothes accumulate dust and exchange dirt and then, while picking them up to finally deal with them, you spray dirt and dust all over, making more of a mess to deal with. Put the clothes away or do your laundry more frequently.

organise your home

#3 – De-Clutter

Everybody deals with clutter. Unless you are those minimalistic people who always keeps only essentials around, you are bound to be surrounded by clutter as you are reading this. Clutter gets in your way, it hides dirt, and it makes home cleaning more difficult, since you have to deal with it first. The solution: Keep clutter away by putting items away or throwing any unnecessary items away as soon as you deem them such. Less clutter means less dirt and more time for yourself.

make your bed

#4 – Deal with Your Bed

Sleeping is only one of multitude of things people use their beds for. A bed is used for storing items, throwing clothes on top of, working, reading, positioning items while you are doing something else somewhere else. But, as mentioned, the bed is for sleeping. After you are done with that, make the bed and leave it alone until you want to rest again. Keeping the bed clean and tidy will save you a lot of trouble with dealing with dust (dust mites love beds) and getting everything dirty when you throw clothes on top of it.


#5 – Regular Dusting and Vacuuming

Yes, sorry. If you want the home cleaning to be needed at longer intervals, you will have to put some effort into creating that reality. Doing dusting and using your vacuum cleaner for five to ten minutes on a daily basis – or at least every two days – will leave less dust behind and less dirt-related problems to deal with when you are doing your domestic cleaning. Cleaner floors will make for less dust being spread about and less time dealing with it when you are doing regular cleaning.

Do these things every once in a while during the month and watch as the time you spend on house cleaning becomes shorter and shorter. Dealing with your home’s messes can be simple – you simply have to show some dedication to the cause and never set precedents like ‘I will do it tomorrow instead of today’. Such procrastinations will never get the job done.

Richard Carey
Richard Carey

A fervent advocate for Eco-friendly cleaning, Richard is a seasoned cleaning expert with years of experience. He has been instrumental in assisting numerous homeowners and business owners in maintaining hygienic and fresh-smelling properties.